Project: Community-based Resilience, Women’s Empowerment and Action (CREA)
Manusher Jonno Foundation is implementing a project, ‘Community-based Resilience, Women’s Empowerment and Action’ (CREA) on locally-led climate change impact adaptation for sustainable development so that women and girls can enjoy a life with socio-economic safety and security and become resilient to climate change impacts.
The project will extend MJF’s experience and learning from needs, demands and priorities of communities to build women and girls’ capacity and leadership so that they can take collective actions to address climate change vulnerabilities and stop child marriage and domestic violence. The project will foster a community approach to climate change awareness and adaptation planning, which will be endorsed and implemented by service delivery institutions and local government bodies. By empowering marginalised climate vulnerable women and girls, the project aims to increase their access to water resources, diversified livelihood activities, reproductive health and sanitation services, and agricultural production. Women in the community will be supported for establishing and operating loan funds for income generating activities, adapting off-farm/on-farm climate resilient agriculture, rearing livestock and coordinating climate change awareness campaigns.
The ultimate goal is to build women’s leadership capacity and increase resilience of the most vulnerable communities to climate change impacts.
Project Objectives
To build women and girls’ capacity in leadership development and to empower them in taking collective action to tackle climate change impacts, climate poverty, child marriage, domestic violence and mal-governance public institutions.
Expected Outcomes
1. Service providers of both public and local government institutions are responsive and increased access to the quality services of community, especially women and girls.
2. Improved resilience of the most vulnerable coastal, hill, Char, Haor communities to climate change impact.
3. Empowered women and girls are dealing with inequality, social injustice, violence incidences and are participating in voice raising and protests.
4. Strong voices and decisions are in place to defend domestic violence against Women (DVAW) and child marriage. Child marriage and DVAW in the selected climate vulnerable areas decreased in rate.
5. Risks related to poverty are decreased with increased family income and alternative livelihoods options.
Target Population
Poor and vulnerable women and girls, persons with disabilities and landless people.
Direct Beneficiary Numbers: 22,680.
Geographical Locations
Barguna, Bhola, Bandarban, Bagerhat, Gaibandha, Jamalpur, Kishoreganj, Kurigram, Netrokona, Patuakhali, Sunamganj, Shirajganj, Rangamati and Shatkhira Districts.
Implementing Organisations: 13 NGOs.
Project Duration: September 2022 – August 2026.
Budget (BDT): 465,000,000.
Funding Agency: The Government of Sweden.
Aligns with SDGs: SDG 5, 6, 10 and 13.
Aligns with MJF’s Focused Thematic Issue
1. Strengthen Public Institutions, including transparent and accountable quality public services for all, especially the marginalised.
2. Building community resilience for green economy to offset climate-induced risks and vulnerabilities.
3. Social, political, economic and legal empowerment of women, including reducing violence and discrimination against women, girls and children.
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