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Celebration of International Women’s Day 2023

Historically, gender equality has been difficult to achieve as women have been excluded from specific domains and opportunities (education, employment, leadership, technology, etc.) in every social, economic, political, and cultural aspect. Women and girls face great barriers in accessing digital technologies and skills due to various reasons which include a lack of information, accessibility, lack of education, lack of skills using technology, social norms, etc. This year, the priority theme of International Women’s Day 2023 is, “Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls”. In align with this year’s theme, MJF organised an interactive dialogue session, ‘Gender Equality: Quality Vs Quantity’ on 14 March at Brac Center, Mohakhali, Dhaka to surface the present context. The event was attended by a diverse group of people, including students, female professionals, transgender, women with disabilities, and representatives from the Dalit and indigenous communities. Representatives from donor agencies were also present at the event. A keynote paper was presented by Ms. Banasree Mitra Neogi, Director-Programme of MJF. As panel discussants Dr. Sharmin Neelormi, Professor of Jahangirnagar University, Md. Abu Naser, GBSS Specialist of UNFPA Bangladesh, and Ms. Jinat Ara Haque, Chief Executive of

Celebration of International Women’s Day 2023

WECAN was present at the event. Mr. Matt Cannell, Deputy High Commissioner & Development Director of British High Commission to Bangladesh, and Ms. Maria Stridsman, Deputy Head of Mission & Head of Development Cooperation of the Embassy of Sweden were present as Special Guest. Mr. Cannell said, “Bangladesh is a young and vibrant country that has made progress on several complex issues including gender equality. However, Certain Challenges still need to be addressed. Child marriage and the lack of access to education for women are two major barriers to achieving gender equality.” Ms. Stridsman stressed the importance of raising voices against all forms of violence. She suggested that access to technology, digital skills and education can play a critical role in bridging this divide. She mentioned the different efforts made by the Embassy of Sweden to eradicate gender-based violence in Bangladesh. Ms. Shaheen Anam, Executive Director of MJF Moderate the programme.

Celebration of International Women’s Day 2023

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